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Below you’ll find places to shop across the island of St Croix by location or category.
East End
Southgate Corner Farmer’s Market
Saturday mornings at the Southgate Corner on the East End. You'll find locally grown fruits, vegetables, plants and local beekeeper Toni Downs' (aka Queen CariBEE) honey, DEE-licious jams, jellies, bees wax soaps and much more! Saturdays 9am - noon
East End Rd., East End, St Croix 00820
Expressway Market
Don't let this small roadside market fool you - they have a wide selection of food and an excellent deli at reasonable prices (for the islands)! You'll find a wide selection of wine and spirits too.
5008 Estate St. Peter's, East End, St Croix 00820
Seaside Market & Deli
Located on the East End, Seaside Market & deli is an upscale market with a generous wine selection, deli, produce and other market essentials. Grab breakfast and lunch on-the-go meals, salad bar, and browse their bakery for a wide selection of cakes, treats, and fresh bread. Catering available.
2001 Mt. Welcome Rd, East End, St Croix 00820