When you live on an island far away from your family, your friends become your island family. And their family becomes an extension of yours. So, it’s fun when they visit over time, and you get to know them a little better each trip. My friend Greg’s sister, Jenni, has visited St Croix several times over the years. This February, she escaped the frigid cold and snow of Illinois and brought down her boyfriend and another couple (on their first trip) and played island tour guide… and she did a bang-up job too! She was lovely enough to allow me to share HER St Croix with you to give you some ideas for your next trip.

After a long day of flying and a plane delay in San Juan we have finally arrived!
Arriving on St Croix includes a breathtaking approach over one of the island’s most beautiful beaches – Sandy Point Wildlife Refuge. A wonderful Crucian Welcome!
Day 1: The gang was smart and rented a jeep to spend their first day taking an island tour with their expert guide Jenni leading the way.

We are having such a great time! The weather has been perfect so far. Sunny and 85! Still have lots more things planned.
Day 2: Scuba Diving! First time divers can participate in a “resort course”. A couple hours of instruction on deck and working on skills in the pool leads to your first dive into water up to 40 feet deep. Decide you love it (I did!) … the dive counts as your first dive towards full PADI certification. Learn more here.

Four very excited people getting ready to scuba dive! Cory and Jamie’s first time!

Sitting on a boat relaxing…sure beats sitting in my office! Life is good!
Day 3: More island touring with an exciting twist. The group started the day touring Whim Plantation for a historical perspective of the island’s history and then headed over to the famed Cruzan Rum Factory that’s been distilling fine spirits since the 1700’s. Then, it was off to the airport for the big reveal – an aerial view of our gorgeous island. Don’t have a hook up like Jenni’s bro? No problem! Local airline Bohlke International Airways offers aerial island tours for up to 3 people.
Today will be a fun day…We will first be touring an old plantation on the island and learn a little history. Then off to tour the Cruzan Rum factory. Bring on the rum drinks! Then lastly..we have a very exciting surprise for our friends Cory & Jamie to help make their first time on an island that much more exciting!

OMG that was awesome!!!!
Day 4: North Shore Fun! After hiking down to the beautiful and remote Anally Bay Tide Pools, it was time to hit the beach at Carambola while the guys took in a shore dive. St Croix has some of the best diving in the Caribbean. I mean where else can you literally walk into the water, kick out about 300 yards and descend into the water while looking over a sea wall into the abyss 1400 ft down. Cool stuff!!

Oh just being lazy at the beach today! Doesn’t get any better!

Later that day it was time to relax and join up with the happy hour crew at Ziggy’s Island Market & Libation Station. Jenni says it best:
Only in St. Croix can you go to a gas station that is also a bar…that has a deck in the back with bag boards [corn hole] ..ocean view..goats and a sugar mill in the background! Lovin the Island Life Mon!
Day 5: A trip to St Croix simply isn’t complete without an excursion out to the Buck Island National Monument. Hop aboard one of the registered concessioners like Big Beard’s Adventure Tours for a full or half-day snorkeling trip out to one of the most beautiful reefs in the Caribbean listed in 1,000 Places to See Before You Die

Buck Island snorkel trip. One of the best parts of our trip! Water is unreal!!
Day 6: Included an afternoon stop at the famous Domino Club to sample some mamawana and play with the beer drinking pigs. Then it was off to enjoy the crystal blue waters and white sand beach at Sandy Point National Wildlife Refuge. This perfect West End day ended with pizza at the Lost Dog Pub.

Visited the famous beer drinking pigs at Domino’s Club in the rainforest today.

Day 7: The final day of their trip was still full of fun! A tour of the Captain Morgan Rum Factory, a little shopping in Christiansted and their final evening was capped off with a wonderful dinner and show.
Well folks…it’s our last full day on the beautiful island of St. Croix. We sure have had one hell of a trip! Can’t wait to see the kids…but are not looking forward to 9″ of snow back home!

Thanks, Jenni, for sharing your view of St Croix with your friends and with us!
Do you have some favorite places and island tips that Jenni missed on this trip? Let us know in the comments below!