10 Reasons to Retire on St Croix

By Cindy @ MyStCroix.VI


by Kim Lucas, RetireintheVI.com

1 My St Croix Countdown

Get into the “DON’T HURRY” groove…

You want to slow down, but you don’t want to STOP. In St Croix, a small town, you’ll have lots of friends who enjoy the same things you do, and lots of things to do. You’ll be physically active, but never pressured. You’re never more than about half an hour from anything here…so what’s the rush? If you’re 30 minutes late here, you’re 30 minutes early!

2 My-StCroix.com countdown

Press the “EASY” button….

Going places and doing things here is EASY. No traffic. No problem parking. No “fees” or charges for most fun things. You don’t have to dress up for anything, don’t have to wear make up, can trim your wardrobe down to a couple pair of (good) flip-flops, a few T-shirts, and some shorts…and your’e ready for anything! (oh, and a few bathing suits!!).

Cruise Ship Day Frederiksted
3 My St Croix Countdown

Get in SHAPE and be active…

Exercising here is just part of life. You’ll be swimming, walking, paddleboarding, hiking, and moving your BODY 365 days a YEAR because the weather is PERFECT! If you want more “structured” exercise activities, there are PLENTY!


Have lots of like-minded friends…

Your friends here will no doubt be a very DIVERSE group of people…who all happen to share a love of the sea and the “island way” of life! You’ll never meet a stranger here …it’s the friendliest place on earth! I absolutely love that I have friends here of all ages, races, ethnicities, and walks of life. We all have a lot in common, but yet a lot of differences, too, which makes them oh so fun and interesting! I LOVE my big ‘ol diverse, crazy, loving and fun island family! You will too!

Team on dock
The Island Life Real Estate Gang

Enjoy the CONSISTENCY of the weather and rhythms…

The sun comes up and goes down at approximately the same time every day here (varies by about an hour from summer to winter)…so your “internal clock” will become regular, which makes having a consistent sleeping routine pretty easy (important for your overall health). You can enjoy nature and the outdoors every day here …. important for physical AND psychological well-being! Living this close to nature…you “attune” and the overall benefits are amazing!


Explore NEW and DIFFERENT activities…

Ever considered painting? Join the “palleteers” – a group of folks who meet every Friday morning to enjoy the beauty of St Croix and enjoy the challenge of painting Plein Air. Yoga? Try doing yoga on the beach with a group of friends (plenty of classes!). Try some Salsa dancing lessons! None of these activities cost very much (if anything), and all will be within a 30 minute (max) drive for you. No excuse NOT to try new things here.

bruno's sandcastle

Contribute to a needy community…

St Croix is a wonderful place, but there are many needs here. There will be so many opportunities for you to get involved and make a difference here. Like animals? There are several shelters and organizations that would welcome some help. Like children? Volunteer to tutor or just read to children. Want to help the less fortunate? Volunteer at the women’s coalition or one of the missions that serve the homeless. Want to make the island a cleaner place? Join in on organized clean ups! You can really make a difference here by volunteering even just a few hours a week.


Redefine yourself…among people who will embrace YOU.

As we get to the top of the mountain called “middle age” and now see the landscape before us…realizing it is not so far a distance to the end….it is critically important to really “FIND YOURSELF” and become who you are. Most of us loose ourselves in our work, tending to our family, making the almighty dollar. Retirement is time to find YOU and redefine your life, choose the lifestyle that you WANT, and do so in an environment that is accepting and will embrace you. St Croix is THAT KIND of community. No expectations here…just acceptance.


Be an example for your children!

You want them to be happy and to follow their dreams, right? Well then, what are you waiting for? They will visit, they will be emboldened and impressed by your willingness to take a risk, and they will marvel as the REAL YOU starts to blossom and grow in this Caribbean climate!


Why not?? 

If there’s a mermaid, pirate, or beach bum lurking inside you….time to EXPLORE that side of you!! And here, doesn’t matter WHAT you did before, as long as you are YOU now, and, like the rest of us, are nice, warm, helpful and accepting, you are going to have the time of your life here! And if you don’t? Well, you can always go back to the rat race! Remember, people on their deathbeds don’t regret things they have DONE. They regret the things they did NOT do. Come on, live a little, and let the Caribbean sun and warm, friendly people of St Croix nurture you in your golden years!

Kim Lucas Island Life Real Estate

The Team at St Croix Island Life Real Estate  is comprised of a bright and fun group of folks who share a love of St Croix and a desire to help others realize their dream of establishing a home here. Led by Kim Lucas, who pioneered the concept of Buyer Agency on the island, the agents at Island Life, by design, embody the spirit of helpfulness, honesty and integrity, and excel at listening, problem solving, negotiating, and helping people. You will find them to be professional, yet laid-back and friendly. Let one of their agents introduce YOU to Island Life and help you find your piece of paradise!

2 thoughts on “10 Reasons to Retire on St Croix”

    • Hi Kathleen – that’s out of my wheel house (I’m not sure if there even is one). I would recommend reaching out to Kim at Island Life Real Estate and she or one of her teammates can surely help answer that question with their expertise.


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