
By Cindy @ MyStCroix.VI

Sunscreens a Threat to Coral Reefs

Three-quarters of St Croix is surrounded by the largest living barrier reef in the Caribbean. And then we have the incredible reefs just off shore surrounding Buck Reef National Monument. These reefs provide homes for a myriad of plants and animals, including the colorful fish we ...

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Columbus Landing 1493 St Croix

Columbus Landing St Croix 1493

Updated October 6, 2023 In 1493 Christopher Columbus landed on what would later become St Croix, US Virgin Islands at Salt River Bay changing the course of the island’s history and setting the stage for 7 European Flags to fly over the island. Columbus landing on ...

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Travel Channel’s Real St Croix

When producer and television host Shane Reynolds (aka Shane O of Color Earth Productions, Shane Untamed on NatGeo) contacted me about filming an episode of his new Travel Channel series Real on St Croix, I was so excited! I got to become friends with Shane ...

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Emancipation A Crucian History

Emancipation Day: A Truly Crucian Story

While many across the United States and its Territories observe the 4th of July holiday celebrating American Independence, July 3rd marks a very important holiday here in the US Virgin Islands – Emancipation Day. One of my favorite books is Island Beneath the Sea by ...

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Buck Island Is it floating away

Is Buck Island Floating Away?

In an alarming study by a joint venture between the National Service of Parks and NOOA, scientists have discovered that St Croix’s beloved Buck Island is floating away from the main island’s shores at a rate of 10 feet per year. This trend was first ...

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Horsing Around on St Croix

It had been about 15 years since I’d been on a horse and I’m not going to lie, I was nervous! I’d spent my childhood riding at any opportunity I could get. In college and after, I worked in several barns and rode quite a ...

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St Croix Christmas Boat Parade

I still remember my first St Croix Christmas Boat Parade in 2001. I had just moved down to the island the week before and was feeling a bit sad about missing Christmas in New England. That all changed the day I experienced the Boat Parade ...

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