Our St Croix Restaurants Guide is the most comprehensive, carefully curated list of restaurants, cafes, bistros, and beach bars on the island. From local West Indian food to casual beachside fare to fine dining – you’ll find only places that we eat and recommend to friends and family. We update often to maintain the best accuracy – but it’s never a bad idea to check ahead or better yet make reservations! Click the menu above to narrow your search by location or category.


  1. Breakfast

Virgin Islands Coffee Roasters

1102 King's Wharf, Christiansted Downtown & Boardwalk, St Croix 00820

Virgin Islands Coffee Roasters

A fun, upscale coffee shop featuring free wifi and their own locally, small-batch, roasted brews. You'll find fresh pastries and other goodies, plus locally brewed beers and other spirits. The bright and airy cafe is perfect for running in to grab a quick caffeine fix or settling in for an afternoon of remote work on your laptop.Like this:Like Loading...
1102 King's Wharf, Christiansted Downtown & Boardwalk, St Croix 00820

Once you've decided where to grab a bite, explore your next adventure in our Things to Do on St Croix Guide or explore Places to Stay or check out the St Croix Calendar for upcoming entertainment and events!